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Your app to control cryptocurrency wallet

Let keeper make It simple and safe

About Us

Crypto Secure App is a pivotal innovation in the burgeoning field of cryptocurrencies in the United States. It stands as a

comprehensive mobile application designed to foster responsible cryptocurrency engagement. By facilitating the tracking of wallet balances on transparent blockchains, our app addresses a fundamental need for visibility and control over digital assets. This capability is crucial for users to understand their financial standing in real time, thereby enhancing their ability to manageinvestments effectively.

How works

Download and Installation

Users begin by downloading Crypto Secure App from their mobile app store and installing it on their smartphone. The setup process includes creating an account, which may involve verifying their identity to

comply with regulatory requirements, ensuring a secure and personalized experience.

Wallet Integration

After setup, users can link their cryptocurrency wallets to our app. This process involves providing the public keys

of the wallets (not the private keys, to ensure security) so that our app can track balances and transactions across

multiple blockchains. Our app supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, accommodating users' diverse portfolios.

Dashboard Overview

Once wallets are linked, users are taken to a dashboard that provides a comprehensive overview of their cryptocurrency holdings. The dashboard displays real-time balances, valuation in the user's preferred currency, and recent transaction history. This snapshot offers a quick and effective way to gauge financial standing.

Risk Analysis and Loss Calculation

A key feature of our app is its ability to perform advanced risk analysis and potential loss calculations. By analyzing market data and the user's portfolio composition, our app predicts potential risks and estimates possible financial losses. Users can access detailed reports, enabling them to make informed decisions about their investments.

Tax Compliance and Reporting

Our app simplifies tax compliance by

automatically calculating the taxes owed on

cryptocurrency transactions, based on the user's location and applicable laws in all 50 states. It generates personalized tax reports that can be directly submitted or used as a reference for filing taxes, making compliance straightforward and efficient.

Security Assessments

To ensure the safety of digital assets, our app evaluates the security of linked wallets and platforms. It provides users with security ratings and recommendations for enhancing the safety of their investments. This feature is crucial for preventing unauthorized access and potential theft of assets.

Market Data and Alerts

Users can customize alerts based on their

investment interests and receive real-time

market data. This feature keeps users informed about significant market movements, news, and trends, enabling them to react promptly to opportunities or risks in the market.

Educational Resources

Recognizing the complexity of the

cryptocurrency market, our app offers

educational resources to help users expand their knowledge. From beginner guides to advanced trading strategies, these resources are designed to improve users' understanding and confidence in managing their digital investments.

Customer Support and

Community Engagement


Our app provides access to

customer support for any technical

issues or questions. Additionally,

users can engage with a community

of fellow investors through forums

and discussion groups within our

app, fostering a sense of belonging

and providing a platform for the

exchange of ideas and experiences.


This tool offers advanced analytics on portfolio performance, including gains, losses, and comparative market performance. Users can track their investment growth over time and adjust their strategies based on actionable insights derived from their portfolio's performance data. See below for other features offered

Multi-Blockchain Wallet Tracking

Dynamic Risk Assessment Tool

Real-Time Market Insights and Alerts

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Real-Time Market Insights and Alerts

Security Rating System for Wallets and Platforms

Educational Hub

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